Francis O'Haire's 2024 Tech Forecast: Trends, Topics, and Exclusive Insights

Francis O’Haire
Group Technology Director

We're standing at the threshold of 2024, a year that's shaping up to be as unpredictable as ever in the technology landscape. No, I'm not going to start with the usual 'future is now' narrative. Instead, let's get real about what's buzzing in the technology landscape – the good, the bad, and the kind of ugly that makes you want to hit the reset button.

We're dealing with an industry where change is the only constant, where everything is being AI-washed, and sustainability is serious business affecting our bottom lines.

So, let’s cut right to it. I'm here to unveil my technology trends for 2024: 

Cybersecurity: A Persistent Priority 

According to Gartner, 80% of CIOs are ramping up their spend on cybersecurity next year. Why? Because the digital world is a battleground, and we're all in it, whether we like it or not. We've moved beyond just protecting endpoints. Now, it's about cyber resilience – a concept that starts with the assumption that breaches will occur, so we need to ensure that our data is recoverable, immutable, and secure. It’s about being prepared when the bad guys inevitably sneak past our defences – think of it like a data immune system. 

In this space, we’ll see more and more regulatory standards encompassing the idea of cyber resiliency. Take, for example, the Digital Operational Resilience Act, or DORA, which includes a specific set of criteria and requirements for financial institutions to manage IT and cyber risks, emphasising the need for robust cyber resilience. 

AI: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 

Let’s talk AI – and we’re not just talking about robots taking over our jobs. AI is quietly transforming everything.  

The Good: AI's potential in revolutionising cybersecurity cannot be overstated. With AI-powered security tools and analytics, we’re positioned to efficiently weed out false positives and identify threats through advanced pattern matching and behaviour analysis. The IDC reports a 23.6% annual growth rate in AI within the cyber market, expected to reach a market value of $46.5 billion. This growth signifies AI's expanding role in enhancing digital user experiences and automating IT solutions. 

The Bad: I anticipate more sophisticated phishing attacks, with AI tools enabling attackers to craft convincing emails in any language. This necessitates updated phishing training and heightened vigilance. Additionally, while currently not a real-world, primary concern, the potential for less skilled malware programmers to leverage AI in crafting more effective malware is something we're monitoring closely. 

The Ugly: Public access to AI trained on vast and varied internet data brings the risk of misinformation and the creation of false information or ‘hallucinations.’ As this technology evolves, we must contend with these challenges while recognising the benefits of enterprise-level AI trained on private data sets. 

Sustainability: A Growing Focus in Tech 

By 2027, Gartner predicts that a quarter of CIOs will see their personal compensation tied to how green their tech impact is. That's right, being sustainable is not just good for the planet; it's good for the wallet too. 

We’ll be having more conversations about smart computing, power conservation, and making hardware last longer. For instance, focusing on end-user computing can significantly impact power consumption, which currently accounts for 3% of total power usage.  

Industry Cloud Platforms 

Finally, let’s turn out attention to the rise of industry-specific cloud platforms (ICPs). Over 70% of enterprises will be using these tailor-made clouds by 2027, Gartner predicts. That's great and all, but it does add another layer to our multi-cloud puzzle. We’ll need to figure out how to secure data across these platforms and make them user-friendly – because nobody wants to spend their day lost in a maze of apps and logins. 

This will amplify the need for effective, user-friendly digital workspaces. Accessing and securing all these cloud environments is something I anticipate that we’ll be supporting you – and your customers with – over the coming months and years. 

Wrapping It Up 

So, there you have it – my take on the tech trends of 2024.  
Whether it's strengthening our cyber defences, embracing the AI revolution, or turning green with our tech choices, I’ve no doubt that all of us in the channel will play a part in shaping the tech landscape in 2024 – whether we’re providing, adopting, or just championing these evolving technologies and ideas.  

In the meantime, please get in touch if there’s anything you’d like to discuss with me or the DataSolutions team. We’re here to support our channel partners and their customers with their IT needs next year and beyond.  

You can also check out some Francis’ recent articles on our blog below.


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